Thursday, November 15, 2007

What's Going On??

TONIGHT: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Head over to Popscene to see the Airborne Toxic Event! I just recently got into them after finding out about them through Popscene and I have to say it's seems like it's going to be a good show! For any fan of the Cure or the Smiths this is a must go!

Here's an idea of what you might hear this month at Popscene, along with all the favorites!

Popscene is held every Thursday at 330 Ritch St. in San Francisco. Click here for more information and a calendar of events!


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For those of you into electro disco punk vanity madness. There's Blow Up every Third Friday of the month. This month featuring NYC band The Glass.

If you're ready to shake that ass this Friday night, this is one place you can do it. Dress to Impress as the Improperazzi will be flashing it up!


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I cannot express how excited I am to see this band. If you havn't heard them yet, GET ON IT! Get to experience their somehow soothing mix of experimental noise rock. They're playing this Saturday at Bottom of the Hill with AIDS WOLF. For only 10 bucks, this show is a no brainer!

Here is one of my favorite Health remixes. For more of their music check out their myspace

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